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Summer Webb

Course Title: Scripps Institution of Oceanography: Introduction to Paleontology

Summer Webb is a current graduate student purusing her PhD at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Her research focus is in the poleward transport of organisms under climate change and climate variability and how these organisms experiences stressors in new systems. She has years of research experience having been a former undergraduate researcher at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography where she independently designed and conducted an experiment on purple sea urchins to determine whether they display phenotypic plasticity in their feeding morphology in response to changes in food abundance.
  • BS in Marine Biology, University of California, San Diego 
  • PhD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego (In process)
  • ESYS Internship Supervisor. University of California, San Diego (2016-present)
    • Mentored senior Environmental Systems student on a thesis project consisting of a review, an experiment and a paper 
  • PhD Student Mentor. University of California, San Diego (2016-present)
    • Guided and supported younger student through their first year of the PhD program
  • Undergraduate Instructional Apprentice. University of California, San Diego (2015)
    • Organismic and Evolutionary Biology. Prepared and led weekly disucssion sections and exam review sessions 
  • Dance Instructor: Alpine Dance Academy, Jean's Dance Studio (2008-2013)
  • deVries, M. S., Webb, S. J.,  Tu, J., Deheyn, D. D., Burak, E. C., Morgan, V., Sah, R. and Taylor, J. R. A. From stress physiology to material properties, intertidal mantis shrimp demonstrate tolerance to future ocean conditions. Scientific Reports. 2016.

  • Webb, S. J. deVries, M. S., and Taylor, J. R. A. Changes in the jaw and test morphology of purple sea urchins in response to food abundance. In preparation.